Registered Agent Florida: Top Services Reviewed 2025

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Having a Florida registered agent is a requirement of every registered business in the state.

You can’t complete the formation of your LLC (or other company structure) in Florida (and other states) without having designated a registered agent.

A registered agent provides:

  • An official registered office address for the business
  • A postal address to receive correspondence
  • A physical address for receiving any service of process (in a lawsuit for example)

Who Can Be a Florida Registered Agent?

In simple terms, a Florida registered agent is a person or business entity that has a physical address in the state (a post office box is not sufficient).

Florida corporations law sets out who can be a registered agent as:

  • “An individual who resides in this state whose business office is identical with such registered office;
  • Another corporation or not-for-profit corporation as defined in chapter 617, authorized to transact business or conduct its affairs in this state, having a business office identical with the registered office; or
  • A foreign corporation or not-for-profit foreign corporation authorized pursuant to this chapter or chapter 617 to transact business or conduct its affairs in this state, having a business office identical with the registered office.”

No matter who you choose to be your registered agent, they need to be physically present at the address provided to the state during standard business hours.

What will my Florida Registered Agent do For Me?

Aside from allowing you to form your LLC or other company structure in the state of Florida, your Florida registered agent service supports your business in three main ways: administrative, legal and compliance. It also offers a couple of advantages in terms of privacy and discretion, which we will detail below.


Your Florida registered agent service will receive all your mail and either forward it on to you, or scan it and upload it to a portal where you can view it.

This includes all correspondence with the state of Florida relating to your business.


The registered agent provides a physical address to receive hand-delivered service of process (SOP) paperwork regarding any legal action being taken against your company. We all hope this doesn’t happen, but it is always a possibility and a registered agent is required to fulfil this function for your company. If your registered agent receives any legal documents, they will let you know and forward the documents to you promptly.


Your registered agent helps ensure that your business files any required paperwork on time. Each state has its own schedule of required corporate filings – annual reports, tax payments or documents etcetera.

A registered agent service keeps track of these dates (which are subject to change) and emails your to remind you when filings are due. This ensures your business remains in good standing and doesn’t receive any fines or other actions including dissolution.

In Florida, all business entities must file an annual report, which is due by May 1st each year. It is very easy to file this on the state’s business administration platform SunBiz.

Privacy & Discretion

Having a registered agent service as opposed to using your own address gives you more privacy. For example, if you use your home or private office, that will become publicly available on the state’s business registry.

There’s also the additional discretion that a registered agent service provides – no one wants their neighbour, employees or clients to be present when a business has to accept service of process in the event of legal action.

National Coverage

The other key advantage using an online registered agent service (we reviewed our favourites below) as opposed to going it alone or using a local company is that a national firm allows for expansion to other states.

If you are setting up in another state, then you’ll need a registered agent there too. Doing it with a service means you can pay a little extra and add that state to your account and they will deliver documents for that entity via the same online account dashboard that you are familiar with.

Our Top Florida Registered Agent Services Reviewed

We recommend choosing one of the four national registered agent services below to be your Florida registered agent (hint, sometimes it is simplest and best to choose the same service to form your Florida LLC and be your Florida registered agent as there are savings to be made and it is simpler that way).

Each service has it’s own pros and cons, which we have summarized below. Once you have chosen, click on the Get Started link on the corresponding service and get the best available price to set up your Florida Resident Agent.

Best value


Price: $99 per year

  • Popular and solid value for money
  • Bundled deals on LLC formation ($39 LLC formation includes one year of registered agent service)
  • Good customer service
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Best customer service
Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest Registered Agent

Price: $125 per year

  • They scan all docs from their local offices
  • Long-standing company
  • Great customer service with personalized support
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Great value


Price: $119 per year

  • Free LLC formation is tempting
  • Good customer reviews
  • Digital dashboard
  • Automatic forwarding of all correspondence
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Best no frills


Price: $99 per year

  • No frills but effective
  • Equal cheapest prices
  • Reliable
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Strong brand


Price: $299 per year

  • Big name and brand power
  • Partnerships with lawyers
  • More than just LLC formation
  • $159 for registered agent fee if you form an LLC with them


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Forming a Business (LLC) in Florida

Of course choosing a registered agent is just one part of forming a business entity in Florida.

We’ve summarised the other main steps for forming an LLC (the appropriate entity for most situations) well as showing you where appointing a registered agent fits in the process.

  1. Choose a business name. Be sure to choose something that’s unique to your business, is easy to pronounce (helps with word of mouth) and fits with your business. It also needs to not be an business name that is already in use in Florida. You can check this with the Florida State Department via its Business Entity Search.
  2. Appoint your registered agent. We discussed this throughout so won’t repeat ourselves here other than to say we recommend a registered agent service.
  3. File your formation documents: The main document you need to file initially is the Articles of Organization. Annual filings will include the annual report, but you don’t have to do that until your LLC (Limited Liability Company) is up and running.

Florida Business Fast-Facts

  • Size of Florida economy: $1200bn in Gross Domestic Product 
  • Business Formation Speed: 1-2 business days for LLCs. Five to seven days by mail.. 
  • Cost (state fees) to Form a Business: $125 for LLCs 
  • Annual Reports: Filed annually by May 1. Fee of $138.75.

Florida Registered Agent Service FAQs:

How much does a Registered Agent Service Cost?

A registered agent service is typically around $100 per year (although some can cost several hundred dollars per year).

What about a Florida-only (as opposed to national) registered agent service?

There are local firms that offer a registered agent service and they are perfectly fine for some people. The only area in which these local firms suffer in comparison to the four services that we prefer is their dashboards are usually not as user friendly and these firms can’t service your needs if you need to expand into another state.

How to Change Your Florida Resident Agent?

It is possible of course to change your Florida registered agent if you have an existing service. This page on the Florida Secretary of State’s site has all the info on how to do this:

Can I Be My Own Registered Agent in Florida?

Yes, if you are physically resident in Florida but there are drawbacks to this, particularly if you use your home address as the registered address of the business.

Are There Other Options For Registered Agent Services?

Yes, for sure. We’ve included what we think are the best, but in this post we’ve reviewed the 11 main national registered agent services.

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Rick Wallace is an investor who has established several LLCs in different states. He writes about starting businesses via LLCs including topics such as choosing a registered agent.