We created Registered Agents Reviewed to help people forming and running LLCs (Limited Liability Companies) to choose the right registered agent.
Registered Agents are a mandatory part of the LLC formation process and serve as the registered address of your LLC from the perspective of government, tax agencies and law firms.
Registered agents can receive and forward mail for your LLC, provide a physical address and even a phone number if required.
Choosing a registered agent is an important decision. When you are starting a new business you don’t want to waste money on an expensive service. Similarly, you don’t want a substandard service that will leave you in the lurch by failing to notify you of important mail or dropping the ball.
We’ve tried the main registered agent service providers and we share our views on them here.
Content you can trust: all articles legally reviewed
To ensure we provide accurate information to our audience all of our content is checked and approved by corporate law firm Kennedy Lawyers, who specialise in advising on company formations, LLCs and other areas of corporate laws.
Registered Agents Reviewed and our partner site LLC Dojo contain information to help readers form their own LLCs and start their businesses. But we do recognise there are stages in a company’s growth where legal advice is required and we happy to refer readers whose needs are more complex to Kennedy Law (click here to visit their site).
We hope you enjoy the content on the site
Rick Wallace
Founder of Registered Agent Review
What to do now?
Find the information you need to help you get set up with a registered agent service.
- Choose your state and see what the requirements are for choosing a registered agent
- Scan our reviews of the leading national registered agent services
- Check out our guides on forming an LLC
- Our Learning Centre contains more info on registered agents, LLCs and company formation